Tao Te Ching, Verse VIII: You Are Already Perfect

Tao Te Ching, Verse VIII: You Are Already Perfect

I can't even start with this one. 

Or where to go.

It is a classic. It is so beautiful. "The highest good is like water". It is good for all things.

"The Highest Good Is Like Water"

When I found my passion and life purpose of software engineering, I knew that I had to do it, and I knew that I wanted to be doing it for All Things.

Like water I strive to bring good into everything.

"In meditation, go deep into the heart"

I can't even stress to all of you how much I love meditation.

I can't even stress to all of you how peaceful and how happy it makes me feel. In meditation, we simply come back to One.

We simply come back to who we are. 

We simply come back to what were already were, to who we are all along.

And that's it. Meditation is resting in joy, resting in eternal bliss.

Meditation is resting in peace and in eternity.

Meditation is resting in peaceful eternity.

Meditation is resting in love.

Meditation is you reaching out to me and me reaching out to you. "Meditation is a universal saying yes to everything" - Francis Lucille.

Meditation is you needing something and exactly in that moment, that thing arriving.

Meditation is you needing a hug and someone giving you it at exactly the right time.

Meditation is is you being told you're beautiful exactly when you need to be told you're beautiful. Meditation is someone reaching out to hold your hand exactly when you need it. Meditation is love. 

Meditation is pure eternal bliss, it is love.

Meditation is someone confirming that all of your deepest suspicions and intuitions are correct. That you are beautiful. That you are perfect. That you have something beautiful to give to this world. That you light up this whole world just by your presence.

That you are special and you are perfect. That who you are is already whole and already perfect. That there's nothing to be and nothing to become.

That you are already healed and whole.

That you are already perfection.

Nothing to fix and nothing to improve.

No-one that needs to be changed. Nothing short of perfection.

You are nothing short of perfection.

You are already That. You are whole. 

You are perfect. Meditation is that. Meditation is the resting in the gold of eternal bliss.

Meditation is the resting in that which we already are which is perfect. We all share our Being.

And love and peace and eternal happiness is the one nature of our own true shared Being.

We are already one, and that bliss is perfect. And that being is perfect. How could we want anything more? How could we ever want anything more?

How could we want anything more than to be the love that we already are?

What could be lacking in anything that is already whole and perfect and inherently fulfilled? How could anyone be separate when we are all One? How could anyone be lonely when the whole of perfection is already here, right where we are, right now? How could anyone improve when the one which is already reading these words is already whole, perfect, love, fulfilled, pure light, pure love, pure wholeness?

It's time for Hafiz: 

"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." Pictures of a sunset over mountains.

"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being."

We are already perfect. We are already whole and fulfilled. We are already healed. We are perfectly healed and there is nothing to heal. The light is inside of us - except that it's not inside of us.

It's that which we already are.

Bask in this golden sunlight. Bask in the light of that which we already are.

"In business, be competent"

This is definitely a reminder for me to keep on working on and honing those software engineering skills, anyway.

I need to:
  • Work harder
  • Prioritise my tickets
  • Tackle my tickets head-on
  • Not be so afraid of challenges
  • USE MY RESOURCES - it can be hard when I am overwhelmed because
    • The code is in one place
    • My notes from my mentor are in another place
    • My ticket is in a third place
    • As an autistic person this can be truly overwhelming
      • I need to whip out my notebook at that point and write some things down
      • I need to tie it all together 
      • I need to connect it all
      • To the point where I can work
      • Thank you
      • Thanks

Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 8

The highest good is like water.

Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive.
It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight: No blame.

The format on the website this time is a bit different but here is a screenshot anyway.

A screenshot of the above poem.


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